Thursday, 30 October 2008

Three Weeks Old

Christie and Jack were up for 4 days as it was their half-term break. It was their first meeting of Xander. It's obvious that they both love him and love taking care of him. He'll be in good hands with his big brother and sister. The kids were also very helpful around the house - which was a nice present along with the cool jumper that Xander will grow into.

We went to Southend to see Nick's side of the family. This is Ann, Xander's Great Grandma.

On the last night of Xander's 2 week of life it snowed! A lot! It's very early for snow here and it caught everyone off guard. There's still snow on the roofs, parked cars and shaded areas a day later.

Xander is now 8 lbs 6 oz. The nurses are happy with his weight gain and so we are going to start taking away a few of his "top-up" bottle feeds. This will help a lot as the sterilizing, feeding and burping - on top of the breast feeding makes for very long feeds.
Time to get some sleep. Xander was awake on and off from 2:30 am to.. well... now really (11:30am). I think I let him sleep too long during the day yesterday. Live and learn.

Mom and Jim arrive in two days. Can't wait!!


1 comment:

Shannon said...

those are great pics di ... jim looked pretty thrilled ... i loved the ones of the three of you together!