I thought working until the end of 39 weeks was a dumb decision. So did
Xander. So, he decided to come early so I wouldn't have to work any more :)
Xander Rhys-Brown (middle name still to be decided) was born 9 days early after 3 hard days of early stage one labour and then a quick 6.5 hour real-labour (after I was 3cm dilated) birth. B-day: 8 Oct 2008, 9.18 am, 7 lbs 9 oz. The birth was a water birth, natural, amazing, bloody painful (even with gas and air, two early shots of
Pethadine, and two early
whiskeys (I'm
telling you the early labour was
awful). Nick was perfect during the whole thing. I couldn't have done it without his support. The midwives -
especially Connie who was there in the thick of things - were wonderful. They knew just what to say and when to say it.

It was all very emotional and we are happy to be at home with a very beautiful little boy.
His name is derived from Alexander the Great - Ruler of Macedonia; where Nick and I met. We thought it has a great story, is a powerful name full of promise and leadership and is unusual without being weird (so he stands out amongst the

Love to all,
The Rhys-Browns x