Friday, 22 June 2007

Happy Summer!

I'm done school for the year. Happy Summer Everyone! I'm off to Canada on Monday. Nick will join me after a week and we both fly home together on the 12th. I can't wait to see my family, have a slurpee and breathe fresh air!

I'll post some pictures of my trip after the 12th. For now, a lot of you have been asking about my motorcycle adventures. I'll post a picture of Nick on his bike as he's just taking Christie for a little spin.

I'll also post a picture of me just home from work on my bike.

And, on that note, check back in mid-July. x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I finished up last week too. Very nice to be done. In fact, I'm interning with a Presidential campaign now. Bill Richardson (D) from New Mexico. A lot of fun and excitement. I'll fill you in when you get back. ;-)

Did stuff ever get sorted with your move from private school in London to state school near you?